YWCA Sonoma County

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The gift of slumber

the gift of slumber with image toddler sleeping soundly

stats for Crisis Hotline, Safe House Shelter, Bed Nights


Dear Friend,

YWCA Advocates working within our confidential Safe House shelter greet each child resident with a daily question, “How did you sleep?” Responses include, “Great!”, “Really good”, and my personal favorite, “It’s so quiet here at night.”

As we know, restful sleep helps us organize experiences and memories. Scientists believe that sleep aids in processing information and details which weaken the emotions tied to the memory of trauma. Parents who make the important decision to move into our shelter for the safety and protection of themselves and their children also know the value of a good night’s sleep.

You can give the gift of peaceful slumber to children and parents finding refuge from domestic violence in YWCA’s Safe House shelter. Please give generously.


Madeleine Keegan O’Connell
YWCA Chief Executive Officer