YWCA Sonoma County

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A success story

Dear Supporter,

Wendy, is a 28 year old single mother of three young children; two boys ages 5 and 3 along with an 18 month old baby girl. She is a YWCA Sonoma County success story .. . While recovering in the hospital following the birth of her youngest, Wendy’s sister and mother gave her YWCA’s 24/7 crisis hotline number and insisted she call. Fearing for Wendy’s safety and the welfare of her children at the hands of her abusive partner they bravely intervened and she made the call.

Soon after, we met Wendy and her children at a local police department. It was there that she said goodbye to her mother and said hello to YWCA’s compassionate Advocates who took her and her little ones into our confidential Safe House shelter. In our tender care, she and her children received comprehensive case management and support including onsite therapy which lead to their eventual and ongoing healing.

Today the family is (in Wendy’s own words), “flourishing!” They reside locally in an apartment we helped her find and qualify for and has she secured stable employment with a local company who is a YWCA supporter.  Both of her boys are students at YWCA’s “A Special Place” Therapeutic Preschool where they both engage in on-site therapy for their behavioral issues and speech delays.

It is at this beautiful time of year that the YWCA Sonoma County pays tribute to mothers like Wendy who demonstrate their commitment to create a life free from violence for themselves and their children.

Happy Mother’s Day from our families to yours,

Madeleine Keegan O’Connell
Chief Executive OfficerYWCA Sonoma County

P.S. – Please continue to be part of our work.  Together we are making a difference in the lives of Sonoma County families like Wendy’s.