YWCA Sonoma County

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Hope and Kindness - 2020 holiday message

December 2020

Dear Friend,

Hope and kindness. Especially at this time of year, we reflect on the meaning of hope and kindness in our lives. As 2020 draws to a close, each of us has been touched by the gravity of living with the threat of the virus. Hope and kindness are what keep us moving through these many days, weeks and months of uncertainty toward our future.

Families who reach out to YWCA Sonoma County are desperately in need of hope and kindness. Throughout the pandemic we have continued to operate our 24/7 crisis hotline, confidential safe house shelter, therapeutic preschool and individual and support group therapy services.

You can support local families in need with your generous gift of financial support to YWCA Sonoma County. Together, we can make a difference for families struggling in the place where they should feel the safest, inside their own homes.

Please stay healthy and safe,
Madeleine Keegan O’Connell
Chief Executive Officer